About Us > Clergy
Rabbi Paul Lewin
Rabbi Lewin was born in South Africa. He studied at the famous Yeshivat Har Etzion in Israel for 10 years. His qualifications include a BA in Psychology and Education from UNISA as well as a Diploma of Education through the Herzog Institute.
Rabbi Lewin arrived in Sydney in 2000. He worked for four years as the Head of Informal Jewish Education at Masada College and Youth Rabbi at Kehillat Masada.
In 2004 Rabbi Lewin succeeded Rabbi David Rogut OAM as Senior Minister of The North Shore Synagogue.
Under Rabbi Lewin's leadership the community has developed a number of exciting initiatives. These initiatives include enjoyable, meaningful and warm Shabbat and festival services, as well as cultural and educational events, such as Purim balls, HSC Shabbats, Tikkun Leil, Sukkot lunches and active women's groups. Rabbi Lewin has developed a dynamic Bar and Bat mitzvah course, ceremony and learning and chesed programmes.
Rabbi Lewin also serves as the College Rabbi of Masada College. He is a well known and a sought after teacher and lecturer on Judaism on behalf of the BJE, lecturing senior students as well as staff on the HSC Studies of Religion syllabus.
Rabbi Lewin is the immediate past President of the Rabbinical Council of NSW Inc.
Rabbi Lewin is married to Talya and they have seven children.

Chazan Zvi Teichtahl
Zvi’s musical and singing background started at a very early age, being chosen a soloist for the Chassidic song festivals in Melbourne at age 11. From then on Zvi has always played an active role in leading synagogue services in Melbourne and Sydney.
Zvi has a Lyric Tenor vocal quality with an acclaimed range, warmth, and rich timbre that is present in all facets of his vocal range.
Zvi began his vocal training in 1996 focussing on classical and opera technique, as well as music theatre. Over the years he has been training at various schools including the Melba Memorial Conservatorium of Music in Melbourne (Ian Lowe), GMV Studio, Contralto Dr Sally Collier, and Elizabeth Dracakis.
Zvi has been the recipient of numerous prestigious vocal scholarships including the Ian Lowe Scholarship from the Melba Conservatorium of Music (1998 & 1999), The Nelly Apt Grant from the Music and Opera Singers Trust of Australia (2000), and the Council of Orthodox Synagogues Victoria scholarship (2002).
Zvi utilised the latter 2 scholarships to travel to Israel in 2002 and study at the Tel Aviv Cantorial Institute, under the guidance and tutelage of Cantor Naftali Herstik, Maestro Raymond Goldstien amongst others. Whilst in Israel, Zvi was also requested to be part of the renowned Jerusalem Great Synagogue Choir.
In 2010, Zvi was awarded a Certificate of Performance with Distinction from the Australian Music Examinations Board.
Since 2008 Zvi has held the position of Cantor at The North Shore Synagogue. He performs regularly at weekend services, as well as many large communal events throughout the year.
In 2012, Zvi had the distinguished honour to perform at a Remembrance Day concert at the North Shore Synagogue which was recorded live by Fine Music 2MBS FM to form part of their cultural archive.
Zvi is married to Mirah and together they enjoy the challenge of raising five very active children. In his “spare time” Zvi is a director and financial adviser in a boutique advisory practice in Chatswood.