Memorial plaque
Yahrzeit scrolling board
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Donations, Payments and Sponsorship
A donation to The North Shore Synagogue, no matter how small or large will assist in maintaining a warm and active community.
Donations made to the Reverend Katz Library Fund of The North Shore Synagogue are tax deductible
Membership or other payments
By Direct credit:
The North Shore Synagogue General Fund
BSB 062-016
Account 00802226
Reference: Your Name and Purpose
The office can also take your payment over the phone on 02 9416 3710.
Alternatively contact the office via the Contact Us page; please include your contact details and the best time that we should call you to discuss payment options.
Commemorating a loved one or a special occasion
The Simcha board carries memories of happy occasions and celebrations.
The wall plaques in the foyer of our shul mean that a family member or friend will never be forgotten. Please call the office on 94163710 if you would like to find out more.
Your donation as a sponsor may come in a variety of ways. Consider the following:
A kiddush may honour a special person or celebrate a special occasion. Our weekly kiddushim offer the opportunity to relax and enjoy the warmth and camaraderie amongst our members.
A special event such as a festival, eg clowns at Purim
Building maintenance: consider fresh curtains, new furniture, which will contribute to pleasant surroundings.
Discuss your ideas and preferred options with our office on 9416 3710
Leaving a Legacy
Click here to read about leaving a Legacy (Bequest) and download our brochure.