There are many special moments in one’s life which we share with family and friends.
When a new baby comes into this world the joy spreads like ripples in a pond. The happiness begins with the parents and spreads to grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends.
Brit Milah, Pidyon ha Ben for a Boy
In Judaism when the baby is a boy, we mark the occasion on the eighth day by a Brit Milah, (circumcision). This represents our commitment to our faith, a covenant with God. It is at this time that a boy is given a name. Please contact the office and we can provide the names of Mohalim in Sydney.
Should the boy be the first child then a Pidyon ha Ben, the redemption of the first born is performed. This takes place on the thirty first day in the life of the child. It’s significance comes from the Book of Exodus where it proclaims that the boy, an Israelite, must be redeemed from the Cohen in exchange from leading a life of dedication to God. An exchange of five silver coins takes place. Please contact Rabbi to discuss this unique ceremony.
A Naming Ceremony for a Daughter
For the girls the first opportunity for naming is the Sabbath service immediately after birth since a minyan is present and the father is given an Aliyah. The parents are invited to the bimah while the blessing and naming ceremony is recited.
Bar and Bat Mitzvot
The North Shore Synagogue offers a wide ranging and interactive Bar and Bat Mitzvah programme.
Under the tutelage of Rabbi Lewin, the Bar Mitzvah student is guided through the Bar Mitzvah journey. Each Tuesday evening during the school term, from 7.15 to 8.00, the boys meet as a group to learn about the basic principles of Judaism, the structure and workings of the synagogue and its services as well as core beliefs. In addition, every Bar Mitzvah boy is rostered on as a Shammash which helps familiarise him with our Shabbat and Yom Tov services, the community, providing them with an active role in the running of the shul service. Our programme is tailored to the ability of each individual student and we work together with qualified Hebrew teachers to assist in their ability to shine on the day.
The girls, under the guidance of Rebbetzin Talya, participate in a fascinating twelve month course, learning about the basic principles of Judaism, the festivals and how to run a Jewish home. The Rebbetzin works closely with each of them to prepare a D’var Torah which is educational and meaningful to the girls, based on a topic covered during the course. During summer months, Bat Mitzvah students are invited to our Friday evening services to light the Shabbat candles.
Bar and Bat Mitzvah students enjoy a Shabbaton as well as group outings – spending time with their peers.
On their special day the Bar and Bat Mitzvah are treated as royalty with the service and sermons focused on them.
We at The North Shore Synagogue pride ourselves on providing all Bar and Bat Mitzvah students the perfect gateway to a lifetime of Jewish learning.
Please contact The North Shore Synagogue office, 9416 3710, to discuss booking your child into our programme.
Engagement | Marriage
When a young couple announce their engagement, they are invited to meet Rabbi.
Then 2-3 months before the wedding again the engaged couple meet with Rabbi for instruction on the actual ritual of the ceremony, Jewish practices and creating a Jewish home. Our beautiful synagogue, set in garden surroundings offers the opportunity for a chuppah set inside or outside. Either setting contributes to a warm and memorable occasion.
Bar and Bat Mitzvah anniversaries, wedding anniversaries, special birthdays are celebrated at the Synagogue, with honours during the service. To honour the occasion we offer kiddushim packages. Please contact the office.
Loss and Bereavement
This is always a difficult time be it the loss of a family member or a friend. Rabbi is always there to provide support. Rabbi offers help by explaining the rituals of the funeral, the minyan, help in preparing a eulogy and the practice of sitting shiva. At the same time our community comes together to offer ongoing support. This includes follow up phone calls, meetings and support as required. The book “Jewish way of Death and Mourning” is provided to the family to assist them at the time of their grief and mourning period.
Letters are sent to mark the anniversary of the death – known as the yahrzeit- and the family has a chance to remember the loved one by donating to the shul or sponsoring a kiddush or an activity. We also offer the chance to purchase a memorial plaque in the shul foyer.