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Women's Megillah Reading
We are very excited to announce that, on Purim 2025, we are planning a women’s reading of Megillat Esther in the North Shore! It will be read by women, exclusively for women.
If you’re interested in learning some of the Megillah for this Purim (anything from 3 verses to a whole chapter), or you’re just curious to learn more about the art and practice of leyning (reading) from the Megillah, sign up for the course with this link.
The course will be 5 sessions taking place in December and February/March, with a break for the summer. It will cover some theory of leyning as well as the special trop (tune) for reading Megillat Esther. You will be provided with recordings and materials for self-guided learning and practice outside of the 5 sessions, and there will be one-on-one support for anyone reading at Purim 2025.
To learn more about women’s Megillah readings and to read some FAQs, see below or click here.
You can also contact the course teacher Sarah Charak (0466002564 or sarah.charak@gmail.com) or Lauren Rosettenstein (0431893679 or lroset@hotmail.com) with any questions or for more information.
The North Shore women’s Megillah reading is a joint project of the Sydney Women’s Tefillah Group, Kehillat Masada and the North Shore Synagogue.